Notice: the WebSM website has not been updated since the beginning of 2018.

Web Survey Bibliography

Title Placement of the Linkage Consent Question in a Web Survey of Establishments
Year 2015
Access date 17.07.2015

Sample surveys routinely ask for respondent consent to link survey information with administrative databases, but not all survey units agree to the linkage. Efforts to study whether placement of the linkage consent question influences consent have been undertaken. However, these studies have only been performed in interviewer-administered household surveys. Whether placement matters in self-administered modes (e.g., web) and for other types of target populations remains an open question. We present results of a placement experiment in a web survey of establishments in Germany and offer insights and contribute to “best practice” guidelines for maximizing linkage consent.

Year of publication2015
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography - 2015 (291)
